Genome Chacterization

  • Genome characterization:
    Genome characterization is the process of identifying and understanding the structure, function, and organization of an organism's complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. This comprehensive analysis can provide valuable insights into genetics, biology, evolution, and potential applications in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. Here's an overview of the key aspects and steps involved in genome characterization:
  • Sample Collection and DNA Extraction:
    Collecting biological samples (e.g., blood, tissue) and extracting high-quality DNA.
  • Sequencing Identification:
    Using high-throughput sequencing technologies (e.g., Illumina, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore) to generate raw sequence data.
  • Sequencing methods:
    (a) Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS): Determining the complete DNA sequence of an organism's genome. (b) Exome Sequencing: Sequencing only the coding regions (exons) of the genome. (c) Sanger Sequencing: Focusing on specific regions of interest within the genome.

More Services

  • DNA Sequencing (by Sanger)

    Long range (LR) DNA sequencing done with the newest version of the ABI 3730 capillary machine, readable bases up to 1,000 and longer. DNA sequencing price depends on the service....

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  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

      BATJ offers a comprehensive range of next generation sequencing services (NGS) utilizing Thermo Fisher’s Ion PGM and Illumina’s Miseq and HiSeq 2500 platforms to deliver ...

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  • Fragment Analysis

    BATJ Inc.'s excellent protocol for fragment analysis is performed with 3730xl DNA Analyzer. Fragment Analysis Applications include: a. Microsatelite Analysis b. SNP Genotypi...

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  • DNA Preparation

    DNA mini-prep with column (Qiagen) or gel clean method with Mini-Prep 96 instrument (MacConnell). The instrument uses a revolutionary new method of nucleic acid purification base...

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  • Mutagenesis

    Site-directed mutagenesis for any combination of mutation within a 4 base-frame. The price includes quick change reaction, transformation, mini-prep and sequencing verification. ...

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  • Primer Synthesis

    BATJ offers high quality longer oligos (up to 120 bases) for gene synthesis, cloning, mutagenesis quick change, primer walking sequencing, and PCR applications. Our synthesis mac...

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  • Genome characterization

    Genome characterization is the process of identifying and understanding the structure, function, and organization of an organism's complete set of DNA, including all of its genes ...

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  • Fibercell System

    BATJ provide a best way to grow cells with Fibercell Systems. It can be used for large quantity production of Monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins, lymphocyte and virus. Fo...

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  • Cloning and subcloning Service

    Clone an insert of interest into a vector provided by the customer. The cloned gene will be sequenced upon completion for verification. Sequencing data and mini-prep will be sent...

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